We are pleased to welcome you to ERBM-9, the 9th edition of the European Rotavirus Biology Meeting, in Valencia, Spain. Since 2005, this meeting has provided a forum for discussion of relevant aspects of rotavirus biology. After the break due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to announce that the meeting will resume in October 2024.
The two-day meeting will feature scientific sessions with leading experts in rotavirus epidemiology, replication, host genetics, vaccines, and pathophysiology, among others, and will showcase state-of-the-art research from participants with diverse backgrounds, including glycovirology, structural virology, the relationship of rotaviruses with the gut microbiota, and the development of new tools and models to study rotaviruses.
We are particularly excited to hold the meeting live at the Botanic Garden of the University of Valencia in the city of Valencia, Spain, from 2-4 October 2024.